
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A guest room update...

Something VERY exciting happened last weekend.  My Aunt Lou came to visit! She stays pretty busy between work and her many adventures so to get her for the weekend was a treat.  And to top it off, it was her birthday! Woohoo! She was staying at our house, which was awesome, except our guest bedroom had become a catch all since we moved in this house.... almost a year ago... So it was time to give it a little attention and a few bucks.

This was the room when we moved in to the house.  Bobby's grandparents used it as a den.
 (If you're not interested in a long story, keep scrolling!)

The color of the room is now 'Sea Salt'.  It's kind of a funny story.  I, of course, wanted to paint the room SW Rainwashed because it looks good in any room, but the hubs was sick of that color and this was going to be his office.  I told him he could pick any color he wanted for the walls....until he picked a color that resembled the mess our 16 month old niece made in her diaper three times a day.  I actually thought he was kidding when he showed me the brownish-greenish color. My heart was actually a little torn.  Do I let him do this to the biggest room in the house or do I try to convince him to explore some other color options?  The good wife probably would have gone with it but apparently the good wife didn't come to play that day.  So there we were standing by the paint samples in Home Depot, ticked at the world, and Bobby reaches over to the paint samples, and WITHOUT LOOKING, grabs one and says, "this one".  I wasn't about to argue with him, and although I hated the idea of a cream wall with white trim and an off white bed, I decided to just go with it. And so we did.  Looking back it probably wasn't our finest moment but renovating an old home isn't all fun and games.  I'm glad we went with the color but I never knew that until the room was finished.  So now I love the color of the room and I give all the credit to my hubby!

I love all the natural light this room gets, it just pours in those large windows.  By the way, I made those curtains out of a drop cloth from Home Depot and I didn't even use a sewing machine! I'll show you how soon!

We bought this bed at the Nashville Flea Market for $99 a few years back.  I gave it a fresh coat of paint and I think it works well in this room.  I love the detail in the footboard.

I bought the lamp from Wal-Mart, of all places.  I was looking for a mercury glass lamp at HomeGoods and Kirklands but I didn't want to pay $60.  I stumbled across this one and it's perfect, and at $14.99 what's not to love!  I did buy the vase of pink ranunculus at HomeGoods.  It was kind of a splurge at $19.99 but I needed a pop of color.

 These nightstands were another great find.... on the side of the road in someone's garbage! Yep, I am not above taking one man's trash if I think I can turn it into a treasure! My mother-in-law actually saw someone throwing these in the garbage and she snatched them up for me.  She knows me well :)  There's two of them and they are solid wood.  They were a pretty rough green color but a little paint can work wonders!

This is my favorite chair in the whole wide world and it didn't fit in the living room.  I wasn't about to get rid of it so I created a reading nook in the corner.  Now two apologies are in order.  I haven't found a lampshade for the lamp yet.  I probably should have bought one before this post but I haven't had any time! I'll get on that soon! Secondly, I found this side table, again, on the side of the road.  It's a great table and the paint is easily chipping off so it won't be hard to refinish.....soon. Again, I haven't had time but I'll let you know when it happens!

I bought this lovely rug at Target for $79, again, a good deal in my book!

I grabbed a few more pillows for the bed at HomeGoods and the two grayish/brownish pillows in the back, those pillowcases are from Goodwill, 50 cents each.  You never know what you'll find at Goodwill!

Although this was a comfy room before, we used our small budget to turn it into a guest room that fits our needs and taste!  Thanks for stopping in to check it out!


  1. It should be noted that this was suppose to be my office, but the wifey called an audible on me AFTER she painted the other room, which is now my office! I was vulnerable, abandoned and betrayed! Home Depot does odd things to my emotions and wallet when i'm there with Wifey...BUT, clearly....i'm developing and eye for this decorating stuff!!!

    1. This is true. We decided this room would eventually become a nursery and so instead of moving Bobby's office when that time comes, he took the smaller room as his office, which is painted Rainwashed.... victory is mine.

  2. It was a beautiful and comfortable room.aunt lou

  3. The transformation is amazing, and I wouldn't even think that this project was on a tight budget! The story on how you got to choose the sea-salt color for the wall and white dominated furnishings was hilarious! I think it's a good thing you didn't let the good wife out that day; the effects on the room would have been dismal if it was painted "a color that resembled the mess your 16 month old niece made in her diaper three times a day". Anyway, you did an amazing job with everything! Good luck on your next project! Latoya @
