
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Landscape & Living Room Update

I've had so many people ask for updates and pictures of the house so here's a few! And we still have a long way to go!  We really wanted to save and pay cash for our projects as we go so it's going to take some time, but we are okay with that! 

Let's start with the yard. yikes! We had our work cut out for us.  Here's the yard when we moved in in May... It looks as though the hubs did a few wheelies on the lawn mower! Ooops!

We really weren't sure if we wanted to try to salvage some of the bushes or get rid of everything and start with a clean slate...
We decided that everything must go.  We ripped everything out and currently have black plastic, similar to heavy duty garbage bags, that we have put down over the entire bed that probably won't come up until next spring. Hopefully the weeds will be dead and the soil will be ready for us!

And then there's the living room.  Here's the room when we took possession of the house in May.

After a few coats of paint, carpet pulled up and the hardwood refinished, here's where we were at.


And here's where we are at today.  It's still not finished but we are closer.  I'm still in search of the perfect rug, something to put up along the back wall and can lighting put in the ceiling. It works for now though!

In a perfect world I would love some pretty chairs and a small loveseat but in reality, we have a lot of people over and for now this is our only entertaining space.  It didn't make sense to only be able to seat 4-5 people in this room so we went for a BIG sectional.  I have to say I LOVE this sectional.  It sits quite a few people, it is super easy to clean, the cushions have kept their shape and the reviews were GREAT.  The reviews were actually what convinced us to buy this sectional.  It's from Macy's and we got a great deal on it during one of their big sales. 

We also got an entertainment center form Ikea that we love.  We are still waiting on the bridge that goes across the top.  I love that it has so much storage and it was really affordable!    

Please ignore the random items behind the glass.  I have yet to put everything in its place.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm actually STILL unpacking boxes. 

 I'm really happy with the way the space is coming together! Thanks for stopping by and to friends and family in the area, our home is always open and we would love to have you as our guest!  I can have dinner on the table in a matter of minutes! :)

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