
Friday, May 17, 2013

Paint and Mold and Leaks, oh my!

As soon as we took possession of the house we got started! Sample colors when on the wall, holes were puttied and windows panes were taped.  Prepping to paint takes just about as much time as painting!

I have to say one of the biggest changes that updated the house was painting the windows and trim white.  Most of them were unpainted wood and some were a yellow/beige color.  


After one coat of white paint.  See what I mean?

 Bobby taped the windows, thank goodness, in the living room and dining room.  once I realized how easily the dried paint scraped off with a razor, we left the other untaped and I just went back in with the razor for touch ups.

Something else that made picking paint colors tricky was the way the colors changed with the different times day and the lighting!  The colors looked totally different in the daylight! 

The color we picked for the living room is the middle one on the bottom! It looks grey in the morning, blue in the afternoon and a little minty at night.

 We took possession of the house on Wednesday afternoon.  By Friday we were completely pooped.  I had to take Thursday and Friday off from work to get everything done on time.  I would have rather been at school!  Friday afternoon we took a break for lunch at our favorite spot in Hendersonville, The Rudder.  It's a little tucked away at the local marina on Old Hickory Lake.  The restaurant is actually floating, you walk across the bridge to the front door.  It's an open air, casual atmosphere with one heck of a grouper sandwich!

 And on Friday afternoon a wonderful thing happened!
 This lovely father team came to clear out the house and purchase all of the furniture and knick knacks from Bill.  It was so much easier to work with everything out of the way! They were AWESOME and incredibly quick!

One thing about this house that we will have to change soon is that there are no overhead lights in the living room.  I had gone through and done the cutting in by the windows, floor and ceiling earlier in the day when I had good natural lighting. When it was quite a bit darker I rolled the rest of the walls.....the wrong color! I was so mad at myself when I turned on the lamps I had found! What a waste of paint, time and effort! Never paint in the dark! Common sense, right?!

They look THE SAME don't they?! One is Blue Hubbard and one is Rainwashed.

Then things got really fun!  When Bobby pulled off the baseboards by the bathroom, we noticed the black drywall underneath. Not a good sign.

  Especially when all of the others looked like this! We also noticed the floor in that part of the hallway seemed really soft!  At this point we knew we might be in a serious bind if we were going to have to rip up the existing floor and replace the subfloor.  We already had to replace the subfloor in the kitchen where the dishwasher leaked and have some serious dehumidfying machines brought in for an area of the wall that leaked by the laundry room... When it rains, it pours, and then it leaks!

The new subfloor in the kitchen. Luckily, the contractors were on top of it and the day they found the issues they were able to fix and replace the problem. 

That's all for now! I can't wait to tell you about the plan for our new floors! Tomorrow!


  1. It's always exciting to do updates around the house! Looks like there's a lot of work to be done, but I'm sure that everything's for your family's benefit. I'm glad that there's no more leak in your kitchen!

  2. Thanks, Milani! A house like this comes with a lot of work but we love making it our own! Thanks for stopping by the blog!
