
Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is in the Air
I DO LOVE SPRING! There are so many wonderful things about spring. My tulips, ranunculus and hyacinth are all beginning to bloom. The grass is getting greener with every day. The trees are regaining their leaves and the Dogwood trees are in full bloom. I have also noticed the produce in the grocery store is getting bigger, brighter and more abundant. Pretty soon the Hendersonville Farmer's Market will be open for business. Bobby and I go every Saturday morning to load up on tomatoes, squash, and zucchini. Occasionally we branch out and try something we have never had before, like spaghetti squash. Here's a few pictures I have taken over the past few days that make me so excited about spring!

We grill just about every day in the spring and summer! I don't know what we would do if we didn't have a grill!! This was dinner on Friday evening. Grilled strip steak, grilled asparagus, grilled zucchini and squash, grilled bread and spinach salad! I may have gotten a little too excited and fixed way too much food...ooops... Welcome spring!!
I have these little flowers all over my desk at school. The girls pick the flowers and give them to me after recess. I love kindergarten!
This is a tribute to the landscaping we will be doing soon....We're still trying to figure out what plants Riggins will and will not eat! (He REALLY likes to eat ranunculus!)
Speaking of the little devil....
We are also doing a lot of updates and spring cleaning. I'll have a post to show you soon of some before and after pics of our house!! We've been making big improvements!
I should have taken some before pictures of the awful light fixtures out by our garage. They were a very tarnished and dated gold that was chipping. These were on sale for $30 at Lowe's! It's amazing how much a few little updates can change the look of a house.
My tulips! They bloomed on Sunday, the first day of Spring!!
The buds on my hydrangea bush...
Some more tulips, because I love them so much!
So this may be a stretch...this photo represents babies!! (This is a pic from a shower Lindsey and I did last spring) I am very excited for so many dear friends who are expecting this spring! So many precious showers and gifts. I have 2 friends expecting THIS WEEK!!!

This represents the teaching part of my life. We get to look at so many wonderful spring things at school. We'll take nature walks and listen to birds. I've even had a few students bring in flowers from their garden at home. Here's a cookie that shouted SPRING to me, although it didn't help me fit into my spring shorts!

In addition to all things grilled, Bobby and I really enjoy eating salads once it warms up. Out with the soups and stews and in with the leafy greens! I have a lot of great salads I plan on sharing on the blog soon!

I planted a ton of Romaine lettuce seeds in my starters...When I left for Spring Break, I failed to tell Bobby to bring the seedlings in at night or to water they are struggling. Not sure if they are going to make it. I'll keep you posted!

That's it for now! I have so many recipes I had intended to post and never did from last summer. I may pull some out to share this week! That's all for now :)

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