
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I was a little surprised and caught off guard when Bobby said we were ready to buy new bedroom furniture...All those days of not allowing myself to go inside HomeGoods has FINALLY paid off. And it feels good!

Bedroom BEFORE
(This pictures is a little....a lot embarrassing. If we had made the bed and put away the folded clothes it would have helped, but I was looking for dramatic effect.)

Bedroom AFTER

Bedroom BEFORE

Bedroom AFTER
(We still have to hang the mirror!)

Bedroom BEFORE

Bedroom AFTER

I am not a decorator by ANY MEANS....But the house looks a lot better than it did. I don't have any before pictures of the living room but we moved everything around and added a few touches that have made it look so much better. If you've been over know what I mean.

The next home improvement post will be (fingerscrossed) our new bricked in patio. Bobby and I are going to do it ourselves...yikes! It should be interesting. I hope that you will learn from the mistakes that I imagine we WILL make.

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