
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Simply Delicious Steak and Onions

The time finally came for us to go pick up our first weeks worth of produce at Madison Creek Farm in Goodlettsville, TN.  We were so excited! We've been doing the Whole Foods/Trader Joe's organic thing for awhile but we were ready for REALLY fresh, organic food that was in season (and that we weren't paying an arm and a leg for).  
The beginning of the spring crop starts off slow but picks up and adds as the season continues.  In this batch we had:
2 heads of Buttercrisp Lettuce
A large bag of spinach
a pint of strawberries
green onions
beet greens
Rosemary, cilantro and parsley
Homemade pasta salad
And the dirt and bugs were still on them...mmm mmm fresh! :) We had to be sure to wash everything very well!  Bobby scarfed the pasta as soon as we got home and in case you didn't know, I've started Paleo. I don't like to think of it as a diet, more of a conscious effort to eat things that are natural that people would have eaten 1000 years ago.  It's not for everyone, I get that.  Call me crazy if you want but I'm really enjoying it. 

Buttercrisp Lettuce

Fresh Strawberries


Homemade Pasta Salad
On Paleo, they recommend using Ghee, which is just clarified butter.  I use it mostly but also use butter.  For the steaks I pulled out the Ghee got it really hot in my cast iron skillet.

I had 4 pieces of grass fed London Broil.  Let them come to room temperature before cooking.

I generously salt and pepper them.

And throw them in the HOT cast iron skillet to sear each side, about 45 seconds per side.

Then I throw the whole skillet in the oven for 8-10 minutes, at 400 degrees.  We like ours medium rare but just leave it in a little longer to get it more done.

Then grab yourself some garlic!! I love Trader Joe's peeled garlic! They come in small packages with about 8 cloves airtight in each one! It makes life easier :)

Cut up 1-2 onions and throw them in some hot butter and garlic. 

I don't add any salt or pepper but you could if you think it needs it.  I don't like my onions too cooked down, still a little firm.  Make sure you stir them around and keep an eye on them. They don't take long to cook down.

There's a lot of butter in this recipe...I know! You can leave the onions or the compound butter out if you like.  On Paleo, butter is on the good list.  I know everything we read these days says to stay away from it but there's a lot of research that disagrees.... Good or bad, it makes this dish delish! I sliced off a small slice to top the steaks.

You can arrange it any way you like but I did the onions on the bottom with the steak and butter on top! It was a lovely dinner.  Bobby said it beat a steakhouse any day! That's probably because their wasn't a check to pay at the end of dinner. 
