
Saturday, January 28, 2012

To a healthier 2012!

New years come with new resolutions and new goals! I think I have made resolutions to lose weight for the past 5 years...and have only been successful one of those years! While I still hope to drop a few this year my resolution is to simply eat better...

Not only do I want to eat more veggies and less sugar, I want to eat GOOD veggies (and I don't mean french fries!) I want to eat locally grown, organic, in season food. There's a BIG difference between a tomato from a local farm or your garden in the summer and one that you would buy from Krogers! In fact, many veggies, such as tomatoes, have been genetically altered to grow thicker skins for better long distance transportation, totally taking away from the wonderful, natural flavor of it!

I want to eat beef from a cow that is allowed to openly roam and eat GRASS and not CORN! Cows bodies were not meant to digest corn! I don't want to eat a chicken that is made to live it's whole life in a dark, overcrowded tunnel, unable to walk because it is too fat to physically support itself....But that's just me! I'll step off my soapbox now.

Now that you know m
y mission, I hope to post recipes that reflect that! Organic, in season produce and fresh, wholesome breads will soon be making their way into my kitchen. Not to say that I won't still make a yummy chocolate shake or potatoes in some form! I am still human! And Bobby would leave me! JUST KIDDING but he likes his treats just as much as me, maybe just not as often!

Bobby and I have joined a CSA Program (Community Supported Agriculture) at Madison Creek Farms in Goodlettsville, TN. There are local programs all over and I encourage you to check them out. This is how they work. Bobby and I have paid for the Spring/Early Summer Season in advance. Once it starts we will head over to the farm once a week to gather our 1/2 bushel of fresh, organic produce. With their program they also include frozen veggies and produce in your bushel as well as occasionally including fresh bread, fresh baked treats and farm fresh eggs. Each week we are also allowed to cut fresh flowers from their flower farm to take home, which is a HUGE BONUS for me. I'm really excited about being a part of this program and I am excited to share with you new recipes I try with some of the less familiar produce we will be receiving!

I hope that you still enjoy following the blog and maybe take a thing or two away from my new food endeavor!