
Monday, April 11, 2011

Chicken Tortilla Soup
on my recipes page!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My beloved honey bunches of oats just celebrated his 25th birthday a few weeks ago. I just had to double check on that...I'm really bad with remembering how old everybody is. After 21 it's all just a blur to me. Anywho, for his birthday I got him a pressure washer....a cute, green, little pressure washer. He probably wouldn't appreciate me saying that, he really loves it! Here is our Saturday project from last week....The above picture of Riggins is just a bonus. Isn't he SOOO CUTE! He looks so little in this picture but he's actually up to 30 pounds! My little baby is growing up so fast!

I just liked this picture. We had some really strong storms that came through this week and blew the flag holder and all off of the house. We'll put it back up another day.

We REALLY enjoy spending time in our back yard but right now it's totally trashed...WAS totally trashed. We decided to pressure wash the patio and back of the house so we took everything off of the patio...

Nothing like a man and his pressure washer.

This project....this going to be a hot mess. I dread shoveling these rocks up and taking them somewhere to dump. Buying the plants and mulching will the be the fun part...I'm not sure when we're going to get around to this but it will hopefully get done soon. I'll keep you posted.

I'm really excited about getting this done. I think it'll look nice!

Our patio area/backyard

Riggins watching Bobby pressure wash the pati0.

He caught me!

This is that cute, green, little pressure washer I was talking about. I asked Bobby how he would describe it in three words - electric, green, useful. 1 for 3. Not too shabby.

Clean, baby, clean!

Can you tell a difference?

This is as clean as we were going to get it today....huge difference, to us anyway. We wanted to brick it in but we're thinking we might hold off for a year and save the money? We'll see. Sallie Mae wants our money more than we want a brick patio. Thanks, Harding!

Bobby was pretty excited about cleaning things. I must admit, I was impressed. We'll see how long it lasts. I hope you are not disappointed that you read this post today. If so, just scroll back up to the top and look at that sweet puppy. He makes my day everyday!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Greek Salad
on my recipes page!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Dressing
on my recipes page